Kolmogorov Books

Selected Works of A.N.Kolmogorov : Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 1
Edited by V. M. Tikhomirov
Selected Works of A.N.Kolmogorov : Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Volume 2
Edited by A. N. Shiryayev
Selected Works of A.N.Kolmogorov : Information Theory and the Theory of Algorithms, Volume 3
Edited by A. N. Shiryayev

Mathematics of the 19th Century: Constructive Function Theory According to Chebyshev, Ordinary Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations, and Theory of Finite Differences
Edited by A. N. Kolmogorov and A. P. Yushkevich
Mathematics of the 19th Century: Geometry, Analytic Function Theory
Edited by A. N. Kolmogorov and A. P. Yushkevich
Mathematics of the 19th Century: Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory, Probability Theory
Edited by A. N. Kolmogorov and A. P. Yushkevich

MATHEMATICS: Its Content, Methods and Meaning
A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, M. A. Lavrent'ev (Editors)

Introductory Real Analysis
A. N. Kolmogorov and S. V. Fomin

Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis
A. N. Kolmogorov and S. V. Fomin

Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov. Biography.
by V. M. Tikhomirov

Kolmogorov Remembered
by Leonid A. Bassalygo, Roland L. Dobrushin, Mark S. Pinsker

Kolmogorov, Andrey Nikolayevich
an article from the Encyclopædia Britannica

Kolmogorov, Andrey Nikolayevich

Automata and Life (1961)
by A. N. Kolmogorov
Prepared for publication and edited by N. G. Khimchenko (Rychkova) (Home Page).


  • N. G. Khimchenko -- How it was...

  • Automata and Life (text)

  • A. N. Kolmogorov -- Automata and Life (theses for his talk)

  • V. M. Tikhomirov -- A few words on topic: "Kolmogorov and cybernetics"

  • V. A. Uspensky -- Kolmogorov, as I remember him

  • A. N. Kolmogorov -- Mathematics - A Science and Profession
    Collected and prepared for publication by G. A. Galperin
    Published by Nauka, Moscow, 1988

    A. N. Kolmogorov -- Mathematics and its Historical Development
    Edited by V. A. Uspensky, collected and prepared for publication by G. A. Galperin
    Published by Nauka, Moscow, 1991

    See also the following Russian publications about A. N. Kolmogorov:

    A. N. Kolmogorov family photo Home in Komarovka A. N. Kolmogorov at School A. N. Kolmogorov with his wife Anna Dmitrievna A. N. Kolmogorov Komarovka home in winter
    More photographs of A. N. Kolmogorov at the Kolmogorov School web site and at the Andrey Kolmogorov page of the History of Mathematics Archive.

    Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov at his desk Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov giving a lesson Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov giving a lecture Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov giving a lecture Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov giving a lecture Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov giving a lecture Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov with tutors Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov with young teachers Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov with students at his school Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov Click on any picture to enlarge.

    A. N. Kolmogorov

    What Is Mathematics?: An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods
    by Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins, Revised by Ian Stewart
    Published 1996 by Oxford University Press (2nd Edition)
    COURANT, ROBBINS: What Is Mathematics?: An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods

    Translated into Russian by A. N. Kolmogorov and with introduction by A. N. Kolmogorov
    COURANT, ROBBINS: What Is Mathematics?: An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods

    Kolmogorov in Perspective
    Edited by A. N. Shiryaev / Published September 2000 by American Mathematical Society


    The editorial board for the History of Mathematics series has selected for this volume a series of translations from two Russian publications, Kolmogorov in Remembrance and Mathematics and its Historical Development. This book, Kolmogorov in Perspective, includes articles written by Kolmogorov's students and colleagues and his personal accounts of shared experiences and lifelong mathematical friendships. Specifically, the article, "Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov. A Biographical Sketch of His Life and Creative Paths" by A. N. Shiryaev, gives an excellent personal and scientific biography of Kolmogorov. The volume also includes the following articles: "On A. N. Kolmogorov" by V. I. Arnol'd, "In Memory of A. N. Kolmogorov" by S. M. Nikol'skii, "Remembrances of A. N. Kolmogorov" by Ya. G. Sinai, "The Influence of Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov on My Life" by P. L. Ul'yanov, "A Few Words on A. N. Kolmogorov" by P. S. Aleksandrov, "Memories of P. S. Aleksandrov" by A. N. Kolmogorov, "Newton and Contemporary Mathematical Thought" by A. N. Kolmogorov, and an extensive bibliography with the complete list of Kolmogorov's works--including the articles written for encyclopedias and newspapers. The book is illustrated with photographs and includes quotations from Kolmogorov's letters and conversations, uniquely reflecting his mathematical tastes and opinions.

    Copublished with the London Mathematical Society. Members of the LMS may order directly from the AMS at the AMS member price. The LMS is registered with the Charity Commissioners.


    Mathematics as a Profession
    by A. N. Kolmogorov
    3rd Russian Edition published by the Moscow State University Publ. (1960)
    Full text (in Russian) is available from the web site http://www.mccme.ru/free-books/ilib.htm.
    Here it is in DjVu format http://www.mccme.ru/free-books/djvu/klassik/kolmogorov.djvu. Download FREE DjVu Viewer from http://www.djvu.com/.

    Foundations of the Theory of Probability
    by A. N. Kolmogorov
    English translation published 1950 by Chelsea Publishing
    The translation is edited by Nathan Morrison
    Originally published 1933 in German by Springer, Berlin as "Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitrechnung"

    Most recent 3rd Russian Edition was published 1998 by Phasis, Moscow

    Full text of the 1st Russian Edition (1936) is available at www.probabilityandfinance.com web page maintained by Vladimir Vovk who was the very last Ph.D. student of A.N.Kolmogorov
    Here it is in PDF format http://www.probabilityandfinance.com/misc/grund.pdf (2.87 MB)
    or zipped postscript format http://www.probabilityandfinance.com/misc/grund.zip (2.93 MB).

    Full text of the 2nd Updated Russian Edition (1974) is available at http://www.biometrica.tomsk.ru/kolmogorov/kolmogorov_100.htm web page maintained by Vassili Leonov.
    Here it is in DjVu format http://www.biometrica.tomsk.ru/kolmogorov/kolmogorov.djv. Download FREE DjVu Viewer from http://www.djvu.com/.


    Limit Distributions for Sums of Independent Variables
    by B. V. Gnedenko and A. N. Kolmogorov
    Translated from the Russian, annotated, and revised by K. L. Chung
    With Appendices by J. L. Doob and P. L. Hsu
    Published by Addison-Wesley, 1954, 1968 (Second Edition)

    The Kolmogorov Legacy in Physics: A Century of Turbulence and Complexity (Lecture Notes in Physics, 642)
    Edited by Roberto Livi and Angelo Vulpiani
    Hardcover: 246 pages; Publisher: Springer Verlag; (February 2004) ISBN: 3540203079
    English translation from the French edition L'héritage de Kolmogorov en physique published September 2003 by Belin, Paris
    The Kolmogorov Legacy in Physics: A Century of Turbulence and Complexity (Lecture Notes in Physics, 642)
    Table of Contents

    Kolmogorov Pathways from Integrability to Chaos and Beyond 3
    From Regular to Chaotic Motions through the Work of Kolmogorov 33
    Dynamics at the Border of Chaos and Order 61
    Kolmogorov's Legacy about Entropy, Chaos, and Complexity 85
    Complexity and Intelligence 109
    Information Complexity and Biology 123
    Fully Developed Turbulence 149
    Turbulence and Stochastic Processes 173
    Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Front Propagation and Spatial Structures 187
    Self-Similar Random Fields: From Kolmogorov to Renormalization Group 213
    Financial Time Series: From Batchelier's Random Walks to Multifractal 'Cascades' 229

    L'héritage de Kolmogorov en physique
    Edited by Roberto Livi and Angelo Vulpiani
    Published September 2003 by Belin, Paris
    L'héritage de Kolmogorov en physique
    Table des matières (Contents)

    Préface Yakov G. Sinai
    Introduction Roberto Livi et Angelo Vulpiani

      Première partie : CHAOS ET SYSTÈMES DYNAMIQUES

      Roberto Livi, Stefano Ruffo, Dima Shepelyansky
      1 Une perspective générale
      2 Deux degrés de liberté : l'application standard de Chirikov
      3 De nombreux degrés de liberté : l'expérience numérique de Fermi, Pasta et Ulam
      4 Seuils énergétiques
      5 Spectres de Lyapounov et caractérisation de la dynamique chaotique
      6 Ordinateurs quantiques et chaos quantique
      Alessandra Celletti, Claude Froeschlé, Elena Lega
      1 Introduction
      2 Mouvements stables
      2.1 Systèmes intégrables et non intégrables
      2.2 Théorie des perturbations
      2.3 Le théorème de Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser
      2.4 La stabilité d'un modèle associé au problème des trois corps
      3 Mouvements instables
      3.1 Théorème de Nekhoroshev
      3.2 Outils pour différencier le chaos de l'ordre
      3.3 Représentation du réseau d'Arnold dans un modèle hamiltonien simple
      Arkady Pikovsky et Michael Zaks
      1 Introduction
      2 Suite de Thue-Morse : un exemple non trivial de séquence symbolique complexe
      3 Attracteurs à spectre fractal : du codage symbolique aux singularités des temps de retour
      4 Les spectres fractals en hydrodynamique laminaire
      5 Conclusion


      Massimo Falcioni, Vittorio Loreto, Angelo Vulpiani
      1 L'entropie en thermodynamique et en physique statistique
      2 L'entropie dans la théorie de l'information
      3 L'entropie dans les systèmes dynamiques
      4 Complexité algorithmique
      5 Complexité et information en linguistique, génomique et finances
      5.1 Du jeu en bourse à l'estimation de l'entropie
      5.2 Recherche d'informations pertinentes
      5.3 Entropie relative et écart entre séquences
      5.4 Compression de données et mesures de complexité
      Giorgio Parisi
      1 Complexité algorithmique
      2 Quelques propriétés et paradoxes apparents de la complexité
      3 La profondeur logique
      4 Apprentissage par l'exemple
      5 Apprentissage, généralisation et propensions
      6 Une approche statistique des propensions
      7 Une définition possible de l'intelligence
      Franco Bagnoli, Franco Bignone, Fabio Cecconi, Antonio Politi
      1 Notes historiques
      2 Les contributions directes de Kolmogorov
      3 Information et biologie
      4 Les protéines : un exemple paradigmatique de complexité

      Troisième partie : TURBULENCE

      Luca Biferale, Guido Beffetta, Bernard Castaing
      1 Introduction
      2 Théorie de Kolmogorov 1941
      2.1 Symétries de Navier-Stokes
      2.2 Anomalie dissipative
      2.3 Loi des 4/5 et auto-similarité
      3 Théorie de Kolmogorov 1962
      3.1 Intermittence et loi d'échelle anomale
      3.2 Cascade multiplicative
      3.3 Approche multifractale
      3.4 Tests sur les hypothèses de Kolmogorov
      4 L'héritage de Kolmogorov sur la turbulence moderne
      4.1 Universalité des fluctuations aux petites échelles
      4.2 Turbulence anisotrope
      Antonio Celani, Andrea Mazzino, Alain Pumir
      1 Introduction
      2 Turbulence d'un scalaire passif
      3 Le modèle de Kraichnan et ses prolongements
      4 Du côté de la turbulence de Navier-Stokes
      5 Conclusion
      Massimo Cencini, Cristobal Lopez, Davide Vergni
      1 Introduction
      2 Propagation de front dans l'équation de diffusion non linéaire
      3 Systèmes de réaction-diffusion en physique, en chimie et en biologie
      3.1 Systèmes de réaction-diffusion à multi composants
      3.2 Systèmes d'advection-réaction-diffusion


      Giovanni Jona-Lasinio
      1 Introduction
      2 Bref historique
      3 La spirale de Wiener, et les processus apparentés
      4 Le groupe de renormalisation : idées générales
      5 Le groupe de renormalisation : un point de vue probabiliste
      6 Une propriété des champs aléatoires autosimilaires critiques
      7 Structure multiplicative
      8 Théorèmes limites et universalité des phénomènes critiques
      9 Conclusion
      Jean-Philippe Bouchaud et Jean-François Muzy
      1 Introduction
      2 Caractéristiques universelles des séries temporelles des rendements
      3 Des lois d'échelle multifractales aux processus en cascade
      3.1 Comportement multi-échelle des rendements d'actifs
      3.2 Le paradigme de la cascade
      3.3 L'héritage de Kolmogorov, turbulence et finance
      4 Marche aléatoire multifractale
      5 Conclusion

    TURBULENCE: The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov
    by Uriel Frisch
    Published 1994 by Cambridge University Press

    TURBULENCE: The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov

    This textbook presents a modern account of turbulence, one of the greatest challenges in physics. The state-of-the-art is put into historical perspective five centuries after the first studies of Leonardo and half a century after the first attempt by A.N. Kolmogorov to predict the properties of flow at very high Reynolds numbers. Such "fully developed turbulence" is ubiquitous in both cosmical and natural environments, in engineering applications and in everyday life. First, a qualitative introduction is given to bring out the need for a probabilistic description of what is in essence a deterministic system. Kolmogorov's 1941 theory is presented in a novel fashion with emphasis on symmetries (including scaling transformations) which are broken by the mechanisms producing the turbulence and restored by the chaotic character of the cascade to small scales. Considerable material is devoted to intermittency, the clumpiness of small-scale activity, which has led to the development of fractal and multifractal models. Such models, pioneered by B. Mandelbrot, have applications in numerous fields besides turbulence (diffusion limited aggregation, solid-earth geophysics, attractors of dynamical systems, etc). The final chapter contains an introduction to analytic theories of the sort pioneered by R. Kraichnan, to the modern theory of eddy transport and renormalization and to recent developments in the statistical theory of two-dimensional turbulence. The book concludes with a guide to further reading. The intended readership for the book ranges from first-year graduate students in mathematics, physics, astrophysics, geosciences and engineering, to professional scientists and engineers.

    • Preface
    • Introduction
    • Why a probabilistic description of turbulence?
    • Probabilistic tools: a survey
    • Two experimental laws of fully developed turbulence
    • The Kolmogorov 1941 theory
    • Phenomenology of turbulence in the sense of Kolmogorov 1941
    • Intermittency
    • Further reading: a guided tour
    • References
    • Author index
    • Subject index
    (See also Kolmogorov's turbulence definitions from his famous K41 paper)

    K41 A. N. Kolmogorov. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 30;4:3201, 1941.

    An English translation of this paper was recently republished (Translation by V. Levin):

    A. N. Kolmogorov, The local structure of turbulence in incompressible viscous fluid for very large Reynolds numbers. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 434:9-13, 1991

    in the book Turbulence and Stochastic Processes: Kolmogorov's Ideas 50 Years On (1991)

    and in the book Selected Papers on Adaptive Optics and Speckle Imaging (1994)

    An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications
    by Ming Li, Paul Vitanyi (Home page)
    Published January 1997 by Springer-Verlag New York (2nd Edition)
    An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications
    See also Kolmogorov Complexity and Solomonoff Induction Mailing List
    and Special Issue on Kolmogorov Complexity,
    The Computer Journal, Volume 42, Issue 4, 1999.
    Edited by Alexander Gammerman (Home page), and Vladimir Vovk (Home page).
  • Kolmogorov Complexity: Sources, Theory and Applications
  • Generalized Kolmogorov Complexity Generalized Kolmogorov Complexity
    by Jürgen Schmidhuber (Home page)

    Hilbert's 10th Problem (Foundations of Computing)
    by Yuri V. Matiyasevich (Home page)
    Published October 1993 by MIT Press
    Hilbert's 10th Problem (Foundations of Computing)
    See also Hilbert's Tenth Problem page

    The Honor's Class: Hilbert's Problems and Their Solvers
    by Benjamin Yandell
    Published December 2001 by A K Peters, Ltd.
    The Honor's Class: Hilbert's Problems and Their Solvers
    See also an original Hilbert's address in German
    Mathematische Probleme
    (Vortrag, gehalten auf dem internationalen Mathematiker-Kongreß zu Paris 1900 ) Von David Hilbert

    Mathematical Problems (in English)
    (Lecture delivered before the International Congress of Mathematicians at Paris in 1900)
    by Professor David Hilbert

    Hilbert's Problems (in Russian) edited and with introduction by P. S. Aleksandrov
    ALEKSANDROV: Hilbert's Problems

    See also Millenium Prize Problems by Clay Mathematics Institute

    The Millenium Problems: The Seven Greatest Unsolved Mathematical Puzzles of Our Time
    by Keith J. Devlin
    Published October 2002 by Basic Books
    DEVLIN: The Millenium Problems: The Seven Greatest Unsolved Mathematical Puzzles of Our Time

    Russian Mathematicians in the 20th Century
    Edited by Yakov Sinai
    Published October 2003 by World Scientific


    In the 20th century, many mathematicians in Russia made great contributions to the field of mathematics. This invaluable book, which presents the main achievements of Russian mathematicians in that century, is the first most comprehensive book on Russian mathematicians. It has been produced as a gesture of respect and appreciation for those mathematicians and it will serve as a good reference and an inspiration for future mathematicians. It presents differences in mathematical styles and focuses on Soviet mathematicians who often discussed "what to do" rather than "how to do it". Thus, the book will be valued beyond historical documentation.

    The editor, Professor Yakov Sinai, a distinguished Russian mathematician, has taken pains to select leading Russian mathematicians - such as Lyapunov, Luzin, Egorov, Kolmogorov, Pontryagin, Vinogradov, Sobolev, Petrovski and Krein - and their most important works. One can, for example, find works of Lyapunov, which parallel those of Poincaré; and works of Luzin, whose analysis plays a very important role in the history of Russian mathematics; Kolmogorov has established the foundations of probability based on analysis. The editor has tried to provide some parity and, at the same time, included papers that are of interest even today.

    The original works of the great mathematicians will prove to be enjoyable to readers and useful to the many researchers who are preserving the interest in how mathematics was done in the former Soviet Union.--

    Golden Years of Moscow Mathematics
    Edited by Smilka Zdravkovska and Peter L. Duren
    Published January 1994 by American Mathematical Society


    This volume contains articles on Soviet mathematical history, many of which are personal accounts by mathematicians who witnessed and contributed to the turbulent years of Moscow mathematics. In today's climate of glasnost, the stories can be told with a candor uncharacteristic of the "historical" accounts published under the Soviet regime. An important case in point is the article on Luzin and his school, based in part on documents only recently released. The articles focus on mathematical developments in that era, the personal lives of Russian mathematicians, and political events that shaped the course of scientific work in the Soviet Union. Another important feature is the inclusion of two articles on Kolmogorov, perhaps the greatest Russian mathematician of the twentieth century. The volume concludes with an annotated English bibliography and a Russian bibliography for further reading. This book appeals to mathematicians, historians, and anyone else interested in Soviet mathematical history.

    • A. P. Yushkevich -- Encounters with mathematicians
    • S. S. Demidov -- The Moscow school of the theory of functions in the 1930s
    • E. M. Landis -- About mathematics at Moscow State University in the late 1940s and early 1950s
    • B. A. Rosenfeld -- Reminiscences of Soviet mathematicians
    • V. M. Tikhomirov -- A. N. Kolmogorov (see also his Biography)
    • V. I. Arnol'd -- On A. N. Kolmogorov (see also An Interview with Vladimir Arnol'd)
    • M. M. Postnikov -- Pages of a mathematical autobiography (1942-1953)
    • B. A. Kushner -- Markov and Bishop: An essay in memory of A. A. Markov (1903-1979) and E. Bishop (1928-1983)
    • I. Piatetski-Shapiro -- Étude on life and automorphic forms in the Soviet Union
    • D. B. Fuchs -- On Soviet mathematics of the 1950s and 1960s
    • A. B. Sossinsky -- In the other direction
    • S. S. Demidov -- A brief survey of the literature on the development of mathematics in the USSR
    • S. S. Demidov -- Bibliography (Russian)

    Quantum : The Magazine of Math and Science
    A. N. Kolmogorov co-founded in 1970 and was First Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Russian popular scientific journal for students 'Kvant'.
    Current Editor-in-Chief is Yu. A. Osipian

    English translation Quantum was published from 1990 to 2001 by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). It was a lively, handsomely illustrated bimonthly magazine of math and science (primarily physics).

    Full texts of many issues of 'Kvant' is currently avalable from the Russian web site of MCCME, Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education. Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education

    See also "Math in Moscow" - a program in English for undergraduates and graduate students at the Independent University of Moscow.

    Full texts of A. N. Kolmogorov's articles in Russian journal Kvant (in Russian):

    Moscow Mathematical Olimpiads
    Collected by G. A. Galperin and A. K. Tolpygo (Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1986)
    Edited and with Foreword by A. N. Kolmogorov
    Full text (in Russian) is available from the web site http://www.mccme.ru/free-books/ilib.htm.
    Here it is in DjVu format http://www.mccme.ru/free-books/djvu/olimp/galperin-tolpygo.djvu. Download FREE DjVu Viewer from http://www.djvu.com/.

    Algebra and Elements of Analysis (A High School Textbook for 10-11 grades)
    Edited by A. N. Kolmogorov, A. M. Abramov, Yu. P. Dudnitsyn, B. M. Ivlev, S. I. Shvatsburg
    Published by Prosveshchenie, 2001 (11th Edition)
    Algebra See also Algebra I. M. Gel'fand and A. Shen': Algebra by I. M. Gelfand and A. Shen

    Full text (in Russian) of the article by G. V. Pukhova A. N. Kolmogorov and Summer School at Lake Rubskoye at web site of the Math Department, Ivanovo State University.
    See also full text (in Russian) An Inroduction to the book 'A Summer School at Lake Rubskoye', Published 1971 by A. N. Kolmogorov, I. G. Zhurbenko, G. V. Pukhova, O. S. Smirnova, S. V. Smirnov.

    Theory of Probability and Its Applications
    A. N. Kolmogorov founded in 1956 and was Editor-in-Chief of the Russian journal 'Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya'.
    Current Editor-in-Chief is Yu. V. Prokhorov who is Kolmogorov's student.

    Theory of Probability and Its Applications is a translation of the Russian journal Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya, which contains papers on the theory and application of probability, statistics, and stochastic processes.

    Russian Mathematical Surveys
    A. N. Kolmogorov was a founding member of the editorial board of the Russian journal 'Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk' from 1934 till his death in 1987.
    He was Editor-in-Chief from 1946 till 1954 and from 1982 to 1987.
    Current Editor-in-Chief is S. P. Novikov

    Russian Mathematical Surveys is the English translation of the Russian bimonthly journal Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, founded in 1936. The English language version is a cover-to-cover translation of all the material: that is, the survey articles, the Communications of the Moscow Mathematical Society, and the biographical material.

    Portraits of A. N. Kolmogorov by his former student Dima Gordeev (click to enlarge)

    Kolmogorov 1 2 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    State of the Art

    Kolmogorov Library Project


    Moscow Mathematical Society | Conferences | Portraits | Photographs | Bibliography | Journals | Articles | Papers | Books | Works | Students | School | Library
    Vladimir I. Arnol'd| David Bohm| Lewis Carroll| S. Chandrasekhar| Jonh H. Conway| Richard Courant| H. S. M. Coxeter| Keith J. Devlin| Paul Dirac| Freeman Dyson| Paul Erdös| Euclid| Leonhard Euler| Enrico Fermi| Richard P. Feynman| George Gamow| Martin Gardner| Carl Friedrich Gauss| Israel M. Gelfand| Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg| James Gleick| Richard K. Guy| Stephen Hawking| Werner Heisenberg| David Hilbert| Douglas R. Hofstadter| Ross Honsberger| Felix Klein| Thomas S. Kuhn| Lev Davidovich Landau| Sir Isaac Newton| Roger Penrose| Ivars Peterson| Clifford A. Pickover| George Pólya| Karl R. Popper| Constance Reid| Bertrand Russell| Julian Schwinger| Ian Stewart| Kip S. Thorne| Stanislaw M. Ulam| James Watson| Steven Weinberg| John Archibald Wheeler| Alfred North Whitehead| Ludwig Wittgenstein| A.M. & I.M. Yaglom| Dolciani Mathematical Expositions| Dover Books| Dover Phoenix Editions| Helix Books| Advanced Book Classics| Cambridge Mathematical Library| Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics| Classics in Mathematics| History of Mathematics| Princeton Science Library| Princeton Series in Physics| Frontiers in Physics Series| Kolmogorov Library Wish List| FizMatKniga| Springer Mathematics| Springer Synergetics| Graduate Texts in Mathematics| Problem Books in Mathematics| Book List from the Notices of the American Mathematical Society| Amazon.com| FinMath.com| State of the Art| Kolmogorov.pms.ru Kolmogorov.com